How to uninstall long war
How to uninstall long war

how to uninstall long war

Level the castle to level 7, constantly make troops and upgrade all your buildings. If this is not your first time playing and you are looking to change to a new realm, the most important thing you should do is make a new castle on your old realm. HOW TO GET A GOOD HEAD START ON A NEW REALM (SERVER)? I've switched realms many times and realms usually open every 2 days, only way to know is to keep checking the world map if a new "hot" realm is out. Usually servers open in pairs, one for Asians and one for everyone else. New realms open depending on how quick a previous "hot" server (realm) gets filled with 10,000 or more players. WHEN DO NEW REALMS OPEN IN WAR AND ORDER? I have tried many times to join one but it never worked, if you wanna know whether a realm is ASIAN only check the alliances on that realm. I have noticed this happens only on ASIAN only realms, seems to be locked for any IP location other than Asia. This does not actually mean the server is under heavy load. WAR AND ORDER SERVER UNDER HEAVY LOAD ERROR You get one for free in the mail when you start playing on a new castle. You need an ELITE TELEPORT to move to a different realm. You can teleport to a new realm IF : your castle is under level 8 (so it must be level 7 highest), it must not hold 2 million resources (1 million food and 1 million wood wouldn't let you teleport either), and your account must not be older than 48 hours. Then find a spot you like and teleport to it. Click the realm number and it will let you see that realm. Find the one that has the realm you are looking to join, click it. It will open a world map, zoom out with your fingers, you will see many planets with a lot of realms.

how to uninstall long war

In your game open the map, click the earth planet icon. Your beginner's shield will expire within 72 hours of your account creation or when you reach castle level 9. so at 40s until you hit you would use your 25% speedup. So using the formula Y x 4 = 10 x 4 = 40s. lets say you're 10 seconds behind the first attack. The formula is Y x 4 or (Y /0.25) where Y is the time difference between you and the time the first march hits. To calculate a 25% speedup, you need to first find the difference between your march timer and the time the first march hits the target. When you mess up or join late on a time attack or time reinforce you need to use a speedup to catch up with everyone else otherwise if you attack alone your troop loss potential is higher. HOW TO CALCULATE WHEN TO USE A MARCH SPEED UP? If you are browsing on a computer you can click ctrl + f and search certain keywords to help you find the question you are looking for. This is a War and Order FAQ post with all the questions and answers you might need.

How to uninstall long war